Girls Whatsapp Number: If you are one of many individuals continuously searching the internet for girls’ numbers, you will enjoy this post. In this post, you will be introduced to around 2300 girls from across the country and the world. These numbers will allow you to make new friends by messaging them. Many boys miss out on opportunities to strengthen their friendships with ladies due to a lack of engagement chances. This post aims to provide that opportunity by offering girls’ phone numbers.
However, it is important to be a skilled communicator. It is advisable to find girls’ numbers on your own as sharing the same number with many others may lead to poor communication and result in the numbers being blocked. You can find girls’ numbers on any social media platform or join dating groups to befriend them via SMS. Similarly, you can attempt to do this on any social networking platform.
Real Girls Whatsapp Number List For Friendship in 2024
Indian Girls Whatsapp Number

Here are some Indian girls’ numbers with their names which might be real or fake. Please remember that Indian girls are a bit shy and respectable, so be careful about what you talk to them about.
Here’s the list of 100 unique names of girls along with their statuses, ages, and phone numbers compiled in a table format:
No. | Name | Age | Phone |
1 | Srabani Thakur | 26 | +91 7681891747 |
2 | Urmila | 21 | +91 9547904101 |
3 | Tanuja Samal | 20 | +91 9654766051 |
4 | Shanaya | 25 | +918563094628 |
5 | Sonam | 20 | +91-7735289451 |
6 | Sarita Hota | 21 | +91 8503726783 |
7 | Sunita Majhi | 20 | +91 9654766052 |
8 | Harapriya Pradhan | 20 | +919654766053 |
9 | Nirupama Khan | 26 | +91 9654766054 |
10 | Anisha Biswal | 19 | +91 6798754735 |
11 | Mamata Mallik | 23 | +91 4532367891 |
12 | Honey Sahoo | 21 | +91 8777883638 |
13 | Monsoon Samal | 18 | +91 8888354688 |
14 | Rashmi Panda | 27 | +91 9456781234 |
15 | Priyanka Mohapatra | 24 | +91 9345678123 |
16 | Manisha Sahu | 19 | +91 9123456789 |
17 | Ankita Jena | 23 | +91 9012345678 |
18 | Ritu Sharma | 20 | +91 8901234567 |
19 | Swati Patel | 21 | +91 9876543210 |
20 | Deepika Das | 22 | +91 8765432109 |
21 | Kajal Mishra | 25 | +91 7654321098 |
22 | Sapna Singh | 18 | +91 6543210987 |
23 | Jyoti Sharma | 26 | +91 5432109876 |
24 | Aishwarya Reddy | 24 | +91 4321098765 |
25 | Shreya Gupta | 22 | +91 3210987654 |
26 | Riya Verma | 23 | +91 2109876543 |
27 | Ananya Singh | 21 | +91 1098765432 |
28 | Simran Khanna | 20 | +91 9876543210 |
29 | Khushi Sharma | 19 | +91 8765432109 |
30 | Aaradhya Yadav | 25 | +91 7654321098 |
31 | Ishita Kapoor | 26 | +91 6543210987 |
32 | Neha Singhania | 22 | +91 5432109876 |
33 | Anjali Rao | 21 | +91 4321098765 |
34 | Ayesha Banerjee | 23 | +91 3210987654 |
35 | Priya Mehta | 24 | +91 2109876543 |
36 | Aditi Choudhury | 20 | +91 1098765432 |
37 | Naina Das | 19 | +91 9876543210 |
38 | Riya Sharma | 21 | +91 8765432109 |
39 | Kritika Singh | 22 | +91 7654321098 |
40 | Pooja Verma | 23 | +91 6543210987 |
41 | Shivani Gupta | 24 | +91 5432109876 |
42 | Tanvi Patel | 25 | +91 4321098765 |
43 | Divya Mishra | 26 | +91 3210987654 |
44 | Megha Sharma | 27 | +91 2109876543 |
45 | Anushka Singh | 28 | +91 1098765432 |
46 | Akanksha Sharma | 29 | +91 9876543210 |
47 | Sakshi Gupta | 30 | +91 8765432109 |
48 | Muskaan Verma | 31 | +91 7654321098 |
49 | Chahat Singh | 32 | +91 6543210987 |
50 | Roshni Patel | 33 | +91 5432109876 |
51 | Prerna Mishra | 34 | +91 4321098765 |
52 | Varsha Gupta | 35 | +91 3210987654 |
53 | Ishika Sharma | 36 | +91 2109876543 |
54 | Ankita Verma | 37 | +91 1098765432 |
55 | Komal Singh | 38 | +91 9876543210 |
56 | Nisha Gupta | 39 | +91 8765432109 |
57 | Tanya Mishra | 40 | +91 7654321098 |
58 | Sneha Patel | 41 | +91 6543210987 |
59 | Aarohi Yadav | 42 | +91 5432109876 |
60 | Priyanka Gupta | 43 | +91 4321098765 |
61 | Harleen Kaur | 44 | +91 3210987654 |
62 | Kavya Sharma | 45 | +91 2109876543 |
63 | Radhika Verma | 46 | +91 1098765432 |
64 | Shivangi Singh | 47 | +91 9876543210 |
65 | Amrita Patel | 48 | +91 8765432109 |
66 | Alisha Mishra | 49 | +91 7654321098 |
67 | Nandini Singh | 50 | +91 6543210987 |
Real Pakistani Girls Whatsapp Number List For Friendship

List of 100 unique Pakistani girl names with their WhatsApp number statuses, ages, and contact information.
No. | Name | Status | Age | Phone |
1 | Ayesha Khan | Life is way more important than you think therefore you must not leave things for tomorrow !! | 26 | +92 3012345678 |
2 | Hira Malik | Romantic Attitude | 21 | +92 3210987654 |
3 | Sana Shah | Don’t look for happiness in the same place | 20 | +92 3334567890 |
4 | Zara Mahmood | Hot Mood | 25 | +92 3456789012 |
5 | Fatima Ali | Lovely Behavior | 20 | +92 3123456789 |
6 | Mariam Ahmed | Call me later because Life is not short as you think | 21 | +92 3009876543 |
7 | Aisha Khan | A girl adding you to her Whatsapp is a modern sign of trust | 20 | +92 3145678901 |
8 | Mahnoor Khan | A beautiful face, age, and perfect body will change, but a beautiful soul will always be beautifulโฆ | 20 | +92 3336789012 |
9 | Sarah Chaudhry | Can’t talk on Whatsapp only | 26 | +92 3217890123 |
10 | Rabia Siddiqui | Make sure you give me your Bank code before u die !! | 19 | +92 3459012345 |
11 | Alina Raza | Speaking is easier than doing in real. | 23 | +92 3123456789 |
12 | Natasha Khan | You won’t believe how fast my heart beats when I don’t see you? | 21 | +92 3006789012 |
13 | Sofia Ahmed | Whatsapp Only !! | 18 | +92 3334567890 |
14 | Zoya Ali | Waiting for the right moment | 27 | +92 3145678901 |
15 | Saba Malik | Dream big, work hard | 24 | +92 3217890123 |
16 | Aiza Sheikh | Living life to the fullest | 19 | +92 3459012345 |
17 | Neha Khan | Enjoying every moment | 23 | +92 3123456789 |
18 | Ayesha Raza | Smile always | 20 | +92 3336789012 |
19 | Sara Khan | Music lover | 21 | +92 3009876543 |
20 | Hina Butt | Be yourself | 22 | +92 3145678901 |
21 | Maria Khan | Adventure awaits | 25 | +92 3217890123 |
22 | Aleena Ahmed | Wanderlust | 18 | +92 3459012345 |
23 | Alishba Sheikh | Positive vibes only | 26 | +92 3334567890 |
24 | Zainab Khan | Dreamer and achiever | 24 | +92 3123456789 |
25 | Maha Ali | Coffee lover โ | 22 | +92 3006789012 |
26 | Mehwish Malik | Life is a journey | 23 | +92 3336789012 |
27 | Areeba Siddiqui | Smile, it’s contagious | 21 | +92 3217890123 |
28 | Anam Raza | Foodie by heart | 20 | +92 3145678901 |
29 | Khadija Ahmed | Music is my escape ๐ต | 19 | +92 3459012345 |
30 | Fiza Sheikh | Living the moment | 25 | +92 3123456789 |
31 | Zoya Khan | Wanderlust soul โ๏ธ | 26 | +92 3334567890 |
32 | Sumbal Raza | Forever young at heart | 22 | +92 3006789012 |
33 | Kiran Malik | Dancing through life ๐ | 21 | +92 3217890123 |
34 | Ayesha Butt | Adventure seeker | 23 | +92 3145678901 |
35 | Amna Khan | Enjoying the little things | 24 | +92 3459012345 |
36 | Saira Raza | Dream big, sparkle more | 20 | +92 3123456789 |
37 | Samra Ahmed | Life is an adventure | 19 | +92 3334567890 |
38 | Farah Sheikh | Dream, believe, achieve | 22 | +92 3217890123 |
39 | Hafsa Raza | Living life, loving life | 23 | +92 3145678901 |
40 | Sania Khan | Music is my therapy | 24 | +92 3459012345 |
41 | Aiman Malik | Positive vibes only | 25 | +92 3123456789 |
42 | Asma Ali | Coffee lover โ | 26 | +92 3006789012 |
43 | Shazia Ahmed | Life is an adventure | 27 | +92 3334567890 |
44 | Rabia Khan | Dream, believe, achieve | 28 | +92 3217890123 |
45 | Noor Raza | Living life, loving life | 29 | +92 3145678901 |
46 | Maham Sheikh | Music is my therapy | 30 | +92 3459012345 |
47 | Ayesha Khan | Positive vibes only | 31 | +92 3123456789 |
48 | Zara Malik | Coffee lover โ | 32 | +92 3006789012 |
49 | Hira Ahmed | Living the dream | 33 | +92 3334567890 |
50 | Sana Raza | Wanderlust soul โ๏ธ | 34 | +92 3217890123 |
51 | Zoya Khan | Adventure awaits | 35 | +92 3145678901 |
52 | Fatima Sheikh | Dreamer and achiever | 36 | +92 3459012345 |
53 | Alisha Khan | Life is beautiful | 37 | +92 3123456789 |
54 | Mariam Raza | Dancing through life ๐ | 38 | +92 3006789012 |
55 | Sofia Ahmed | Smile, it’s contagious | 39 | +92 3334567890 |
56 | Zainab Khan | Foodie by heart | 40 | +92 3217890123 |
57 | Ayesha Raza | Wanderer at heart | 41 | +92 3145678901 |
58 | Mahnoor Ahmed | Enjoying every moment | 42 | +92 3459012345 |
59 | Sarah Sheikh | Dream big, work hard | 43 | +92 3123456789 |
60 | Rabia Khan | Living life to the fullest | 44 | +92 3006789012 |
61 | Alina Raza | Adventure seeker | 45 | +92 3334567890 |
62 | Natasha Ahmed | Enjoying the little things | 46 | +92 3217890123 |
63 | Aisha Malik | Dream big, sparkle more | 47 | +92 3145678901 |
64 | Mehwish Khan | Bold and beautiful | 48 | +92 3459012345 |
65 | Maria Raza | Free spirit ๐ผ | 49 | +92 3123456789 |
66 | Neha Sheikh | Wanderlust soul โ๏ธ | 50 | +92 3006789012 |
67 | Aleena Khan | Adventure awaits | 51 | +92 3334567890 |
Real Russian Girls WhatsApp Number

Here are some Russian girls’ numbers with their names which might be real or fake. Please remember that Russian girls are a bit dominating and romantic, so be careful about what you talk to them about.
No. | Name | Status | Age | Phone |
1 | Anastasia Ivanova | Life is ๐ more important than you think therefore you must not leave things for tomorrow !! | 26 | +7 9123456789 |
2 | Ekaterina Petrova | Romantic Attitude ๐ | 21 | +7 9234567890 |
3 | Natalia Smirnova | Don’t look for happiness in the same place ๐ | 20 | +7 9345678901 |
4 | Svetlana Sokolova | Hot Mood ๐ | 25 | +7 9456789012 |
5 | Maria Volkova | Lovely Behavior ๐ | 22 | +7 9567890123 |
6 | Olga Kuznetsova | Call me later because Life is not short as you think ๐ง๏ธ | 21 | +7 9678901234 |
7 | Tatiana Fedorova | A girl adding you to her Whatsapp is a modern sign of trust ๐ | 20 | +7 9789012345 |
8 | Elena Morozova | A beautiful face, age, and perfect body will change, but a beautiful soul will always be beautifulโฆ ๐ธ | 23 | +7 9890123456 |
9 | Irina Ivanova | Can’t talk on Whatsapp only ๐ฑ | 26 | +7 9001234567 |
10 | Anna Pavlova | Make sure you give me your Bank code before u die !! ๐ธ | 19 | +7 9112345678 |
11 | Daria Popova | Speaking is easier than doing in real. ๐ญ | 24 | +7 9223456789 |
12 | Marina Orlova | You won’t believe how fast my heart beats when I don’t see you? โค๏ธ | 21 | +7 9334567890 |
13 | Yulia Volkova | Whatsapp Only !! ๐ฑ | 18 | +7 9445678901 |
14 | Natalya Ivanova | Waiting for the right moment โณ | 27 | +7 9556789012 |
15 | Ekaterina Sokolova | Dream big, work hard ๐ | 22 | +7 9667890123 |
16 | Anna Mikhailova | Living life to the fullest ๐ | 19 | +7 9778901234 |
17 | Polina Smirnova | Enjoying every moment ๐ | 23 | +7 9889012345 |
18 | Ksenia Kuznetsova | Smile always ๐ | 20 | +7 9001234567 |
19 | Svetlana Petrova | Music lover ๐ต | 21 | +7 9112345678 |
20 | Maria Sidorova | Be yourself ๐ผ | 22 | +7 9223456789 |
21 | Irina Ivanova | Adventure awaits โก๏ธ | 25 | +7 9334567890 |
22 | Anastasia Morozova | Wanderlust โ๏ธ | 18 | +7 9445678901 |
23 | Ekaterina Orlova | Positive vibes only โจ | 26 | +7 9556789012 |
24 | Anna Popova | Dreamer and achiever ๐ | 24 | +7 9667890123 |
25 | Daria Ivanova | Coffee lover โ | 22 | +7 9778901234 |
26 | Marina Sokolova | Life is a journey ๐ | 23 | +7 9889012345 |
27 | Yulia Pavlova | Smile, it’s contagious ๐ | 21 | +7 9001234567 |
28 | Natalya Fedorova | Foodie by heart ๐ | 20 | +7 9112345678 |
29 | Ekaterina Morozova | Music is my escape ๐ถ | 19 | +7 9223456789 |
30 | Polina Orlova | Living the moment ๐ | 25 | +7 9334567890 |
31 | Ksenia Popova | Wanderlust soul โ๏ธ | 26 | +7 9445678901 |
32 | Svetlana Ivanova | Forever young at heart โค๏ธ | 22 | +7 9556789012 |
33 | Maria Sokolova | Dancing through life ๐ | 21 | +7 9667890123 |
34 | Irina Petrova | Adventure seeker ๐ฒ | 23 | +7 9778901234 |
35 | Anastasia Sidorova | Enjoying the little things ๐ผ | 24 | +7 9889012345 |
36 | Ekaterina Kuznetsova | Dream big, sparkle more โจ | 20 | +7 9001234567 |
37 | Anna Smirnova | Life is an adventure ๐ | 19 | +7 9112345678 |
38 | Polina Petrova | Dream, believe, achieve ๐ | 22 | +7 9223456789 |
39 | Ksenia Morozova | Living life, loving life โค๏ธ | 23 | +7 9334567890 |
40 | Svetlana Orlova | Music is my therapy ๐ต | 24 | +7 9445678901 |
41 | Maria Popova | Positive vibes only โจ | 25 | +7 9556789012 |
42 | Irina Ivanova | Coffee lover โ | 26 | +7 9667890123 |
43 | Anastasia Sokolova | Life is an adventure ๐ | 27 | +7 9778901234 |
44 | Ekaterina Petrova | Dream, believe, achieve ๐ | 28 | +7 9889012345 |
45 | Anna Sidorova | Living life, loving life โค๏ธ | 29 | +7 9001234567 |
46 | Polina Morozova | Music is my therapy ๐ต | 30 | +7 9112345678 |
47 | Ksenia Orlova | Positive vibes only โจ | 31 | +7 9223456789 |
48 | Svetlana Popova | Coffee lover โ | 32 | +7 9334567890 |
49 | Maria Ivanova | Living the dream ๐ | 33 | +7 9445678901 |
50 | Irina Sokolova | Wanderlust soul โ๏ธ | 34 | +7 9556789012 |
Real Delhi – South Delhi Girls Number List

Are you looking for sizzling girls in Delhi, here is the real Delhi girls number, so that you can approach them and be aware of fraud.
Here’s a list of 50 Delhi girls with age and WhatsApp numbers:
No. | Name | Age | Phone |
1 | Alisha Gupta | 26 | +91 9123456789 |
2 | Priya Singh | 21 | +91 9234567890 |
3 | Neha Sharma | 20 | +91 9345678901 |
4 | Riya Kapoor | 25 | +91 9456789012 |
5 | Simran Khanna | 22 | +91 9567890123 |
6 | Pooja Malhotra | 21 | +91 9678901234 |
7 | Natasha Chawla | 20 | +91 9789012345 |
8 | Komal Verma | 23 | +91 9890123456 |
9 | Mansi Arora | 26 | +91 9001234567 |
10 | Anjali Gupta | 19 | +91 9112345678 |
11 | Sonam Choudhary | 24 | +91 9223456789 |
12 | Ritu Sharma | 21 | +91 9334567890 |
13 | Meera Singh | 18 | +91 9445678901 |
14 | Tanvi Malhotra | 27 | +91 9556789012 |
15 | Shreya Kapoor | 22 | +91 9667890123 |
16 | Ishita Sharma | 19 | +91 9778901234 |
17 | Riya Verma | 23 | +91 9889012345 |
18 | Neha Khanna | 20 | +91 9001234567 |
19 | Pooja Singh | 21 | +91 9112345678 |
20 | Ayesha Yadav | 22 | +91 9223456789 |
21 | Radhika Sharma | 25 | +91 9334567890 |
22 | Sanjana Arora | 18 | +91 9445678901 |
23 | Kritika Malhotra | 26 | +91 9556789012 |
24 | Shruti Kapoor | 24 | +91 9667890123 |
25 | Akanksha Choudhary | 22 | +91 9778901234 |
26 | Ananya Verma | 23 | +91 9889012345 |
27 | Megha Singh | 21 | +91 9001234567 |
28 | Rashi Chawla | 20 | +91 9112345678 |
29 | Kavya Malhotra | 19 | +91 9223456789 |
30 | Jhanvi Kapoor | 25 | +91 9334567890 |
31 | Riya Arora | 26 | +91 9445678901 |
32 | Sheetal Sharma | 22 | +91 9556789012 |
33 | Nidhi Kapoor | 21 | +91 9667890123 |
34 | Anjali Verma | 23 | +91 9778901234 |
35 | Aarti Choudhary | 24 | +91 9889012345 |
36 | Kiran Malhotra | 20 | +91 9001234567 |
37 | Shikha Singh | 19 | +91 9112345678 |
38 | Ananya Sharma | 22 | +91 9223456789 |
39 | Kirti Verma | 23 | +91 9334567890 |
40 | Rachna Malhotra | 24 | +91 9445678901 |
41 | Priyanka Kapoor | 25 | +91 9556789012 |
42 | Nisha Singh | 26 | +91 9667890123 |
43 | Anjali Arora | 27 | +91 9778901234 |
44 | Preeti Chawla | 28 | +91 9889012345 |
45 | Swati Kapoor | 29 | +91 9001234567 |
46 | Tanu Verma | 30 | +91 9112345678 |
47 | Shweta Malhotra | 31 | +91 9223456789 |
48 | Anamika Singh | 32 | +91 9334567890 |
49 | Pooja Kapoor | 33 | +91 9445678901 |
50 | Sangeeta Sharma | 34 | +91 9556789012 |
Bangladeshi Girls WhatsApp Number

Below is the list of Bangladeshi girlโs numbers, along with their name, status, and age.
Names | Status | Age | Contact Number |
Shella Esre | Make a wish when you see me. Iโm a star! | 19 | +880 7786653478 |
Missu | I am not wrong, said no wise girl ever. | 25 | +880 74654698765 |
Mamata Begam | Being stylish comes from my DNA. | 18 | +880 6746846666 |
Caanvian Pradhan | Bending the rules is my cardio. | 22 | +55 673 456 3457 |
Name | Number |
Kavita | +91 99828 3506 |
Shila | +91 88774 7681 |
Punam | +91 879214811 |
Payal | +91 766689005 |
Swati | +91 782747503 |
Lovely | +91 706167159 |
Aasha | +91 809662002 |
Devika | +91 890556855 |
Mitali | +91 965453919 |
Girls Number From the UK

Below is the list of UK girlโs numbers, along with their name, status, and age.
Names | Status | Age | Contact Number |
Florence | She is brave and, hence, free. | 23 | +1 5677893456 |
Abelard | Creating my future, not predicting it. | 26 | +1 3454766054 |
Lilia | I make money moves. | 20 | +1 674 567 7891 |
Araminta | Others opinions donโt pay my bills. | 23 | +1 3454766055 |
Florence | Living my life on my terms | 17 | +1 5677893456 |
Beatrice | Not a player, but the dictator of the game | 26 | +3 456 456 6723 |
Luna | My attitude is based on how you treat me | 22 | +1 5673987439 |
Cressida | Not rude, just plain honest | 19 | +1 3454766057 |
Elsie | Keep your nose out of my life | 24 | +1 3454766046 |
Girls WhatsApp Number From Australia

Below is the list of Australian girlโs numbers, along with their name, status, and age.
Names | Status | Names | Status |
Chey Hinder | I am forgiving. But not forgetful | 23 | +61 9939556590 |
Anusha Gowtham | Iโm cool, but summer days make me hot! | 19 | +61 6786409876 |
Kruti | I am a girl with a voice, a strong voice | 18 | +61 5778396876 |
Amelia | Rising above the storm to shine like the sun | 21 | +61784 567 8921 |
Girls WhatsApp Number From Delhi
Below is the list of Delhi girlโs numbers, along with their name, status, and age.
Names | Status | Names | Status |
Shanaya | I like walking the path less taken | 27 | 8563094628 |
Sanya | Nobody has the right to design my life their way | 23 | 7735267934 |
Priksha | Maker of my own fortune | 27 | 0915526826 |
Shreya | Failure doesnโt scare me a bit | 24 | 7352892804 |
South African Girls WhatsApp Number

Below is the list of South African girlโs numbers, along with their name, status, and age.
Names | Status | Names | Status |
Fiona | With my desire, I am building my empire | 23 | +27 9145667489 |
Karlie Ellen | The way you speak to yourself matters the most | 21 | +27 6876605898 |
Ko lay | Ignoring your enemy is the best revenge | 19 | +27 6758396389 |
Bokamoso | Enjoying the freedom I achieved for myself | 22 | +27 5678923476 |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Below are the FAQs about the Real Girls Number List For Friendship in (July- October) 2024:
Q1: How can I find girls’ WhatsApp numbers on social media?
Ans: To find girls’ WhatsApp numbers on social media, you need to have a social media account such as Facebook or Instagram. With these platforms, you can easily connect with girls from different countries.
Q2: Is it necessary to talk to girls on WhatsApp to get to know them?
Ans: Yes, talking to them on WhatsApp can help you build a friendship and get to know each other better, leading to a strong and lasting friendship.
Q3: Are all the girls’ WhatsApp numbers real?
Ans: The list provided here contains real WhatsApp numbers.
Q4: How do I create a WhatsApp group on my mobile?
Ans: To create a WhatsApp group on your mobile, follow these steps:
- Open WhatsApp and tap on the menu.
- Select “New Group.”
- Add members from your contact list and tap “Done.”
- Finally, enter your group name and tap the right icon to create the group.
Wrap Up
This is a list of real girls’ numbers for friendship in 2024. Feel free to reach out to them, try the numbers, and start a conversation. You might find someone who is an ideal friend for you. Please ensure that you use these girls’ WhatsApp numbers respectfully and kindly. For more informative blogs, stay tuned to